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Hello Year 59

Good morning…

I turned 59 today.

My prostate was the first to wish me happy birthday. We had a chat at 2 am as I walked into the bathroom. I think he said, see you again in an hour.

I have nothing to complain about. Of course I do…

I get much love and for the most part I have the power to make people laugh.

I am a lucky man and I know it. It is fun to see Ellen and Rachel and Max living their best lives too.

Yesterday, I spent the day with LP’s and portfolio companies at Future Proof and ran into all my Stocktwits/fintwit friends….

My pal Josh next to me makes me smile because he has a similar zest/appetite for life. I take great pride in that I connected him to his long time partner Barry Ritholtz at a dinner during my Stocktoberfest event back in 2011 I think. I’ve known Morgan Housel since his days writing at Motley Fool and next to him Doug Boneparth than Jack Raines and of course JC and next to him Mike Antonelli.

I was having a late bite with my partners Gary and Matt last night as well as my good friend Jan Van Eck (who picked out a great wine that pairs well with Ambien) and we had a fun time mostly talking about nothing.

I have no big goals for my 59th year. I think it will be one of those years in business to keep your head down and just stay out of trouble and do the hard work.

There is a lot of good work to be done helping our portfolio companies make their way and I am really excited about our roadmap and growth at Stocktwits.

Have a great day.

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