Podcast links: changing the future
2 weeks ago
- How the Acquired podcast became a huge success with tech types. (esquire.com)
- Tim Ferriss is changing things up for his podcast. (tim.blog)
- Tyler Cowen talks with Tobi Lütke who is the CEO and co-founder of Shopify ($SHOP). (conversationswithtyler.com)
- Patrick O’Shaughnessy talks with Ric Elias who is the CEO and co-founder of Red Ventures (joincolossus.com)
- Logan Bartlett talks with Will Gaybrick, President of Stripe. (podcasts.apple.com)
- David Rosenthal and Dan Gilbert talk with Zuck. (acquired.fm)
Pattern Breakers
- Howard Lindzon and Michael Parekh talk with Mike Maples Jr., founding partner at Floodgate Partners, and co-author of “Pattern Breakers: Why Some Start-Ups Change the Future.” (youtube.com)
- Ted Seides talks with Mike Maples Jr., founding partner at Floodgate Partners, and co-author of “Pattern Breakers: Why Some Start-Ups Change the Future.” (capitalallocators.com)
- Joe Weisenthal and Tracy Alloway talk with Josh Brown about building a financial media empire. (bloomberg.com)
- Matt Zeigler talks with Mike Green about the unpredictable nature of markets. (epsilontheory.com)
- Stephen Clapham talks value investing with Bill Nygren of Oakmark Fund. (behindthebalancesheet.com)
- Bogumil Baranowski talks value investing with Christopher Begg, CIO of East Coast Asset Management. (talkingbillions.co)
- David Senra on lessons learned from Nick Sleep’s Nomad Investment Partnership letters. (joincolossus.com)
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