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How to Thrive During the Long Cold Winter
Phil Pearlman Prime Cuts
I tweak this post annually and I think it’s a strong resource for readers. This year, I’m publishing it a little earlier than usual and I think that’s an improvement too, because it gives readers more time to prepare practically and to get their mindset...
2 weeks ago
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Fighting the Tape
Phil Pearlman Prime Cuts
I remember when we had our first child. It was 17 years ago, we were living in Brooklyn, and early on he was not a great sleeper. I used to walk him around Park Slope and Prospect Park on my chest in the Baby Bjorn for hours so he would sleep. It was...
10 months ago
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How to Thrive over the Long Cold Winter
Phil Pearlman Prime Cuts
Winter begins tomorrow and we will not get a day with 10 hours or more of sunlight for the next 5 plus weeks. This affects our wellbeing in multiple ways and we risk giving up some of the health gains we made during the rest of the year.  We spend less...
10 months ago
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Rediscovering Your Growth Drive
Phil Pearlman Prime Cuts
We are all born with a fundamental drive to grow.  We all want to thrive. We all want to kick ass at life. This is innate. This is human nature. Some of us stay tuned in to this drive from the time we are young. These are the people who always knew who...
2 months ago
Simplicity Vs Everybody
Simplicity Vs Everybody
Phil Pearlman Prime Cuts
People make things too complicated and the costs can be very high in terms of time, energy, headaches, unforced errors etc. This all begins with a false truth – the world is complicated – which leads to a false conclusion – solutions must...
9 months ago
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How To Make Your Life Less Hectic
Phil Pearlman Prime Cuts
We live in an Age of Overabundance and it is killing us. Too much bad food. Too much media noise. Too much stress. Too much stuff to get done in a day. We consume more and more without regard for how it affects our well being and my sense is there is...
8 months ago
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Four Elements of Good Health
Phil Pearlman Prime Cuts
Ancient civilizations identified four elements of the physical universe. These are: 1. Air, 2. Fire, 3. Earth & 4. Water I love the simplicity and the functionality of their model. If I am cold, more heat. If I am thirsty, more water. Maybe if I was...
2 months ago
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It's Time To Take Your Brain Back
Phil Pearlman Prime Cuts
I’ve been doing this thing for a while now where I lay off the phone and especially social media and the news during the weekends. I call this Digital Intermittent Fasting and I’m really just riffing off the concept of intermittent fasting where you only...
7 months ago
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Find Exercise You Enjoy
Phil Pearlman Prime Cuts
If you can find an exercise that you enjoy, you will feel great, you will stay healthy longer, and you will have fun doing it. Maybe it was something you used to do when you were younger but then it got away from you as you got busy with adult things or...
1 month ago
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The Busy Addiction
Phil Pearlman Prime Cuts
Everybody is so busy in this country it is killing us.  We wear this busyness like a badge of honor and we don’t even realize it. Busy busy busy. You have to be busy because everybody else is so busy. It’s kinetic. It’s mimetic. Or maybe it’s just the...
3 weeks ago