Four Elements of Good Health
Ancient civilizations identified four elements of the physical universe.
These are: 1. Air, 2. Fire, 3. Earth & 4. Water
I love the simplicity and the functionality of their model. If I am cold, more heat. If I am thirsty, more water.
Maybe if I was a chemist, I would need to know more about the periodic table, but I am not a chemist.
The Four Elements of Good Health
There are Four Elements of Good Health that I use as a guide for self-care.
The more I attune to them, the better I feel and function. Here they are:
1. Nutrition
This includes what I feed the only body I ever get for fuel and growth.
When I consume foods that come from nature, rich in protein and fat, I foster health.
When I consume highly processed foods, and toxins like alcohol, I foster illness.
2. Movement
This includes how I physically activate my body.
When I move daily, sometimes gently, sometimes strenuously, I foster energy, strength, and endurance.
When I remain inactive, I foster frailty, apathy, and lethargy.
I include learning and work movement of the mind.
3. Sleep & Rest
These include how I recuperate and revitalize.
When I sleep well, I allow myself to recover from daily wear and stress, and I prepare myself to return to the world with vigor, focus, and a good attitude.
When my body tells me I am tired or injured, I rest.
When I neglect sleep or rest, I underperform and I get grouchy and prone to injury.
4. Love & Connection
This includes how I care for the people who are important to me and how I allow myself to be cared for.
When I am connected to the people close to me I feel a strong sense of purpose and that I am a part of something greater than me.
When I am disconnected from the people close to me, I feel lonely.
The Four Elements of Good Health are simple enough that even I can understand them. They have become essential to me like heat from the sun and so I share them with you here.