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The Place Where You Make the Good Stuff Happen
Phil Pearlman Prime Cuts
The other day, I put this tweet out there, As you age, you either get cynical or wise. I’ve been thinking about wisdom and aging and I noticed that some people grow closer to the most important people in their lives as they grow older, while others...
4 days ago
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How to Thrive During the Long Cold Winter
Phil Pearlman Prime Cuts
I tweak this post annually and I think it’s a strong resource for readers. This year, I’m publishing it a little earlier than usual and I think that’s an improvement too, because it gives readers more time to prepare practically and to get their mindset...
2 weeks ago
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The Busy Addiction
Phil Pearlman Prime Cuts
Everybody is so busy in this country it is killing us.  We wear this busyness like a badge of honor and we don’t even realize it. Busy busy busy. You have to be busy because everybody else is so busy. It’s kinetic. It’s mimetic. Or maybe it’s just the...
3 weeks ago
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Find Exercise You Enjoy
Phil Pearlman Prime Cuts
If you can find an exercise that you enjoy, you will feel great, you will stay healthy longer, and you will have fun doing it. Maybe it was something you used to do when you were younger but then it got away from you as you got busy with adult things or...
1 month ago
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Broaden Experience, Narrow the Field
Phil Pearlman Prime Cuts
I am less and less interested in more and more things. I don’t care about the Telegram guy or the boxing lady or Hurricane Beryl or when the Fed might cut. I don’t care about things that are happening halfway around the world or halfway across the...
1 month ago
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So You Want To Start Getting Healthy Today
Phil Pearlman Prime Cuts
Here’s one for people who want to start getting healthy today but don’t know where to begin or are having some trouble getting going. There is a lot of information out there and a lot of it is complicated or contradictory. The first thing to know is that...
2 months ago
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Four Elements of Good Health
Phil Pearlman Prime Cuts
Ancient civilizations identified four elements of the physical universe. These are: 1. Air, 2. Fire, 3. Earth & 4. Water I love the simplicity and the functionality of their model. If I am cold, more heat. If I am thirsty, more water. Maybe if I was...
2 months ago
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When You Stop Fooling Yourself
Phil Pearlman Prime Cuts
Our brains are so big that we can think up all kinds of clever schemes to fool ourselves and so we do just that. Maybe we don’t want to face failure or a good thing went bad or there’s something about ourselves we don’t like or the inevitability of death...
2 months ago
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Weekend Phone Fast Protocol (Lets Go!)
Phil Pearlman Prime Cuts
I took the idea of Intermittent Fasting and applied it to my phone. I call it Digital Intermittent Fasting and I’ve been doing it on the weekends as a way to disconnect from the stupid 247365 noise spigot and endless doom scroll treadmill. Too much of...
2 months ago
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Five Years Sober, Five Things I’ve Learned
Phil Pearlman Prime Cuts
Today marks five years since I’ve used alcohol or drugs. I am forever grateful to my wife and two boys. Here are five things I’ve learned so far. 1. I will never be a drinker or drug user again.  It’s over. I’m good with it. I bring this up because...
2 months ago